
Application - [A8]

Given an arbitrary rectangle and a distribution, create the corresponding histogram or column chart, with both vertical and horizontal orientation


The application that was developed for this homework creates a uniform distribution of 100 elements using the object Random and its method Next(). After generating the appropriate distribution it will create the Objects DynamicRectangle which is a class custom created that can be resizable, movable, and contain a drawing. The class is defined in the custom library I created for this course: StatisticsLib.

Compilation Notes
To make the project compile correctly it is necessary to specify the library as a dependency of the project itself so it can be included transparently in the source code.

The aforementioned library contains also the definition of a class Histogram which is used to draw histogram both with a vertical or horizontal orientation. The result will look like this:


Source Code

The application source code can be found on Github and the whole project folder is saved as a ZIP file in this Release