
Application - [A10]

Take any population and any variable X. Draw m (large) samples of size n (as you like) and represent the following two empirical sampling distributions: Sampling Distribution of the Mean and Sampling Distribution of the Variance. Finally, for each empirical sampling distribution compute the empirical sample mean and empirical sample variance and compare with the corrisponding values in the population.


The developed application for this homework generates a population of possible student’s grades in a given exam. It takes as input through the windows forms two integers:

  • m: The number of samples to take from the generated population (set to a minimum of 100 and maximum of 1000).
  • n: The number of elements per sample (set to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 100).

Once the required input is collected from the Windows Forms application, the user can press the Generate Samples button, which will perform the sampling operation. When the operation is concluded successfully the application will the display the following numerical values:

  • The population mean
  • The population variance
  • The mean of the samples means
  • The mean of the samples variances The application will also display the distribution of the means of the generated samples, with the option to switch to the distribution of the variances, by the click of a given button.


For this application I initialized a C# library, whose code can be found on the same Github repository used for the applications. The whole library can also be downloaded as a ZIP file from the Releases section.

Source Code

The application source code can be found on Github and the whole project folder is saved as a ZIP file in this Release